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miliaria a disease characterized by inflammation of the skin, esp. near the sweat glands, causing eruptions and blisters and usu. resulting from overexposure to heat; prickly heat.
radiation sickness sickness induced by overexposure to ionizing radiation such as x-rays or gamma rays, resulting in nausea, diarrhea, bleeding, hair loss, sterility, and often death.
solarize of film, to be ruined by overexposure. [1/3 definitions]
sunburn uncomfortable or painful reddening of the skin caused by overexposure to the sun. [1/2 definitions]
sunstroke convulsions or a sudden inability to feel or move, brought on by overexposure to the sun or to excessive heat; insolation; heatstroke.
windburn irritation of the skin caused by overexposure to wind.