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abroad in or to a country that is not one's own.
accommodate to do a favor for; meet the needs of by changing one's own plans. [1/3 definitions]
account an arrangement with a store or other business that allows a customer to pay for goods or services on credit offered by the store instead of the customer using cash at the time of sale or using a standard credit card. In such cases, the store generally offers its own store credit card. [1/16 definitions]
accountable responsible for providing a credible and respectable explanation or justification, esp. of one's own actions (usu. fol. by "for" or "to"). [1/2 definitions]
acquire to get or come to have as one's own.
adopt to become a parent of (a child) by law, or to accept an animal as a pet and become responsible for it. [2/3 definitions]
adoptable able to be adopted; able to be officially accepted or taken on as one's own, esp. as one's own child or one's pet.
aggression The use of force or violence against another in order to dominate or achieve one's own goals. [1/2 definitions]
airship a lighter-than-air aircraft, with its own propulsion system and steering control.
altruistic performed or given for the benefit of others, without concern for one's own welfare. [1/2 definitions]
amend to make oneself better; improve one's own conduct or behavior. [1/3 definitions]
annexation the act of taking and adding (territory) to one's own territory.
appropriate to take for one's own, often without permission. [1/3 definitions]
arson the illegal act of burning buildings, another's or one's own, for malicious purposes or to claim insurance money.
assume to take on as one's own duty, job, or appearance; adopt. [1/3 definitions]
au jus of meat, served in its own juices.
autobiographical telling or based on the events and experiences of one's own life.
autogamy in botany, self-fertilization, as of a flower with its own pollen. [1/2 definitions]
autograph the name of a person, especially a famous person, written in his or her own handwriting. [2 definitions]
autoimmune characterized by or relating to a condition in which normal cells are attacked by the body's own immune system.
autoimmunity production of antibodies that attack the body's own cells.