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antioxidant a substance that inhibits oxidation, the removal of electrons from atoms, compounds, or ions. [1/2 definitions]
combustion the process of oxidation, usu. accompanied by heat and light. [1/3 definitions]
methemoglobin a substance formed in the blood by the oxidation of hemoglobin, as by the effects of certain drugs.
mineralize to change into an ore, as by oxidation. [1/4 definitions]
nitrogen dioxide a slightly toxic gas composed of nitrogen and oxygen, found in smog and automotive exhaust, and synthesized for use in nitration and oxidation, and as a catalyst.
oxidant that which causes the oxidation of another chemical or compound.
patina a greenish, brownish, or reddish crust or film produced by oxidation on the surface of old metals such as bronze and copper. [1/4 definitions]
peroxidase any of a group of enzymes that catalyzes the oxidation of various substances by a peroxide.
phosphorus a chemical element that has fifteen protons in each nucleus, that is found naturally only in compounds, esp. biologically essential compounds such as calcium phosphates and nucleotide phosphates, and that can be isolated in various allotropic forms, one of which is a poisonous whitish yellow solid that is luminous at room temperature because of slow oxidation. (symbol: P) [2 definitions]
redox used as a short form of "oxidation-reduction," a chemical reaction in which one substance loses electrons to another substance. [1/2 definitions]
reoxidation combined form of oxidation.
rust the orange-red coating that forms on metal surfaces because of oxidation of the iron in their contents, by exposure to air and water. [1/6 definitions]
superalloy any of several complex alloys that are resistant to oxidation, high temperatures, and stress.