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alumina natural or synthetic aluminum oxide, occurring in nature as a corundum.
aluminum oxide a natural or synthetic oxide of aluminum; alumina; corundum.
anodize to cover a metal surface with a protective oxide electrolytically, the surface acting as the anode.
calamine a white or pinkish powder of zinc oxide and a trace of ferric oxide, used in skin lotions.
calcimine a white or light-colored wash containing zinc oxide, used to cover walls and ceilings. [1/2 definitions]
calcium hydroxide a soft white crystalline compound made by the action of water on calcium oxide and used in the manufacture of cement, plaster, hard rubber products, and bleaching powder; slaked lime.
cobalt blue a deep blue pigment made from cobalt oxide. [1/2 definitions]
corundum an exceedingly hard mineral, aluminum oxide, occurring commonly in gray, brown, or blue varieties which are used esp. as abrasives, and more rarely in transparent, crystalline forms such as the ruby and sapphire used in expensive jewelry.
ferrite any compound formed by the combining of ferric oxide with the oxide of a baser metal. [1/3 definitions]
flint glass a bright fusible optical glass that contains lead oxide and is used for lenses and crystal.
heavy water water composed of oxygen and deuterium; deuterium oxide.
hematite a steel-gray or darkish red mineral that is the main form of iron ore, iron oxide.
laughing gas see "nitrous oxide."
lead glass a brilliant optical glass containing lead oxide, characterized by high refraction and low dispersion; flint glass; crystal.
lime1 a white powder made of calcium oxide. Lime is used in cement, in making steel and paper, and in making some soils better for growing plants.
litharge a yellow lead oxide used largely in the manufacture of storage batteries, paints, glass, and enamels.
lithia lithium oxide.
magnesia a white, powdery oxide of magnesium, used esp. in medicine as a laxative or antacid. (See milk of magnesia.)
magnetic tape a plastic tape coated with magnetic iron oxide, used to store recorded material.
magnetite a black, naturally occurring oxide of iron that is attracted to magnets and is important commercially as a source of iron.
majolica a kind of Italian pottery that is enameled and glazed with tin oxide, usu. highly colored and decorated.