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aspirate in phonetics, to pronounce (a speech sound) with an audible release or rush of air, as the "h" in "helium" or the "p" in "pickle". [2/5 definitions]
bilabial pronounced with the lips close together, as the consonants "p" and "m". [1/3 definitions]
bioflavonoid any of a group of yellow hydrocarbon pigments found in many flowers and fruits, once thought to be important as a vitamin in humans; vitamin P.
Brythonic of or belonging to the P-Celtic group of languages. [2 definitions]
consonant any letter of an alphabet that represents the sound of a consonant. The letters "p" and "f" are examples of letters that are consonants. [1/2 definitions]
dogwatch either of two two-hour watches aboard ship that occur between four and eight P.M.
im-1 a prefix that means "in," "into," or "on." It is used before words beginning with the letters P, B, or M.
im-2 a prefix that means "not" or "without." It is used before words that begin with the letters P, B, or M.
P- in the U.S. military, a pursuit plane, such as a P-38 or P-40.
p having the shape of a P. [1/3 definitions]
P-Celtic a branch of the Celtic languages that includes Welsh, Cornish, and Breton, in which a "p" sound replaced the Proto-Indo-European "kw" sound.
phosphorus a substance that is a chemical element. One of the common forms of phosphorus is a poisonous yellow solid that glows in moist air. Phosphorus is important to living things. It is used in fertilizers to help plants grow. (symbol: P)
pilcrow a typographical symbol (¶) used to indicate the beginning of a paragraph. It is sometimes called a paragraph marker.
plosive in phonetics, produced by the complete stoppage, then sudden forceful release of the breath, such as the sounds of the consonants "p," "b," and "t". [1/2 definitions]
p.m. the time between noon and midnight. P.M. is the abbreviation of "post meridiem," meaning "after noon" in Latin. [1/2 definitions]
post meridiem see "P.M."
price-earnings ratio the ratio of the price of a share of a company's stock to the company's per-share annual earnings, usu. expressed as a single number; P/E ratio.
P.S. written to introduce a note added to a letter that is below the writer's signature. "P.S." is an abbreviation of "postscript."
R.I.P. an abbreviation for Latin words that mean "rest in peace." R.I.P is used when a person dies and is often written on a person's gravestone.