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amble to walk at a slow, easy pace.
apace at a swift pace; quickly.
break into to launch forward at a faster pace. [1/6 definitions]
crawl a very slow or interrupted pace. [1/7 definitions]
double time a fast military marching pace of one hundred and eighty three-foot steps per minute. [1/3 definitions]
fast-paced unfolding or moving forward at a rapid pace. [1/3 definitions]
force-feed to force (one) to eat, learn, or accept something either against the will or at an uncomfortably fast pace.
gallop to ride a horse at full speed. [3 definitions]
get behind to be late in doing things that continually need to be done, or to not make the amount of progress that one plans or needs to make; not keep to the expected or necessary pace (often fol. by "in").
hit one's stride to achieve an effective pace or level.
jog1 to run at a slow, steady pace for exercise. [2/4 definitions]
keep up to go at the same speed or pace as someone or something else (often fol. by "with"). [1/4 definitions]
lag to fall behind an expected pace. [2/4 definitions]
make good time to travel at a very desirable pace.
march a steady, regular pace. [1/11 definitions]
measure rhythm; pace. [1/14 definitions]
moderato with a moderate pace or tempo (used as a musical direction).
pace1 to train to perform at a particular pace. [1/12 definitions]
pacesetter one that sets a pace for others to equal or strive for; pacemaker.
pari passu (Latin) with an equal pace or rate; side by side. [1/2 definitions]
pick up to increase (the speed, pace, or tempo of something). [1/8 definitions]