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battledore an Asian predecessor of badminton, played with a wooden paddle and a shuttlecock. [2 definitions]
canoe a narrow boat with pointed ends that is moved along by using a paddle. [2 definitions]
paddle to use a paddle to move a canoe. [3/4 definitions]
paddleball a game played on a handball court following handball rules, but in which the ball, resembling a tennis ball, is hit with a short-handled, perforated paddle.
paddlefish a large fish, found in the Mississippi and Yangtze river basins, that has a long flat snout shaped like a paddle.
paddle wheel a wheel that has boards or paddles fixed at right angles around it. A paddle wheel is used to move a river steamboat.
plesiosaur an extinct marine reptile of the Mesozoic era having paddle-like limbs, a large flat body, and a short tail.
racket2 a paddle with a short handle, used to hit the ball in the game of table tennis. [1/3 definitions]
sea turtle any of the species of large marine turtles with paddle-shaped limbs, such as loggerheads and leatherbacks, found in warm-water seas.
showboat a boat, esp. a paddle-wheel steamer, with a troupe of actors and a theater, that tours river towns. [1/3 definitions]
side-wheel of a steamboat, having a paddle wheel on each side.
slapstick a paddle or lath used by clowns and the like to strike other entertainers with a loud clap. [1/2 definitions]
spank1 to strike (someone, usu. a child) with the open hand or a paddle, esp. on the buttocks, for punishment. [1/2 definitions]
stern-wheeler a steamboat propelled by a paddle wheel at the stern.
tetherball a game, usu. played by two people, in which a ball suspended by a cord from a post is hit with the hand or a paddle, the object being to wrap the cord fully around the post.