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abstract expressionism (sometimes cap.) a school of painting that arose after World War II and that was marked by expressive but nonrepresentational images formed by an apparently random and often unconventional application of paint.
aesthetic having to do with beauty or art, including literature, dance, music, painting, drawing, and sculpture.
aquarelle (French) watercolor painting with transparent colors, or a painting done by this technique.
art the field of visual works such as painting and drawing. [1/4 definitions]
artist a person who works at or who has skill at painting, music, or any other form of art.
artwork a painting or other work of art, or such works collectively. [1/2 definitions]
background a part located in the rear, esp. as depicted in a painting, photograph, or scene. (Cf. foreground.) [1/5 definitions]
brush1 a tool for cleaning, painting, and other things. It has a handle and a tight group of stiff fibers on one end. [1/2 definitions]
brushwork work done with a brush, as in painting. [1/2 definitions]
canvas a piece of this material used as the surface for an oil painting. [1/2 definitions]
cityscape an artist's view of a city, as in a painting, drawing, photograph, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
commission to grant a commission for the creation of (a painting, poem, article, or the like). [1/9 definitions]
crucifixion a painting, sculpture, or the like representing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. [1/3 definitions]
cubism an early twentieth-century movement in painting and sculpture in which objects were represented abstractly by geometrical forms.
daub a crude painting. [1/7 definitions]
depict to show, describe, or portray in a painting, sculpture, or written work.
depiction the way in which something is shown or represented, as in a painting, sculpture, or written work.
diptych a painting or carving consisting of two panels that are hinged together. [1/2 definitions]
encaustic painting with encaustic paint, or a work of art in this medium. [1/2 definitions]
fauvism (sometimes cap.) in early twentieth-century painting, an expressionistic development, esp. French, involving the juxtaposition of different bold colors and sometimes the distortion of form.
field a background, esp. of a painting or flag. [1/11 definitions]