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airdrop to deliver by parachute from an aircraft. [2 definitions]
bail out (informal) to jump from an airplane with a parachute.
canopy the fabric that catches the air in a parachute. [1/5 definitions]
chute3 (informal) a parachute. [3 definitions]
drogue a parachute used to slow down a spacecraft or airplane. [1/2 definitions]
ejection seat a seat designed to eject from an aircraft during an emergency and parachute to the ground with its occupant.
free-fall the first stage of a parachute jump, before the parachute opens.
jump suit a piece of clothing that covers the arms, legs, and body and is worn by people who parachute. [2 definitions]
para-2 parachute. [1/2 definitions]
parachute a large device made of strong, thin cloth that opens up like an umbrella. A parachute slows the fall of a person who jumps from an airplane. It can also be used in the same way for something that is dropped from an airplane. [3 definitions]
paratrooper a soldier trained to parachute from an airplane into an area where there is fighting.
rip cord a cord that, when pulled, opens a parachute for descent. [1/2 definitions]
shroud any of the cords linking the canopy of a parachute to the harness. [1/6 definitions]
skydive to jump or dive from an airplane and perform various acrobatic stunts before opening one's parachute, done as a sport or for exhibition.
skydiving the sport of jumping from an airplane and performing body maneuvers before opening the parachute.