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a2 one; used to introduce one particular thing or person of a group or kind, but one which is not known to the listener or is not important to identify. [1/3 definitions]
about in various directions, or in no particular direction; here and there. [1/12 definitions]
abstract designating the idea of something without regard to a particular instance or object. [2/13 definitions]
academy an institution for the advancing of a particular field of learning. [1/2 definitions]
accelerate to cause (a particular activity or process) to happen faster. [1/4 definitions]
accent the stress a speaker gives to one syllable in a word. [4/5 definitions]
acceptable meeting particular standards or requirements. [1/3 definitions]
acculturate to instill in (a growing child) the culture and values of a particular society. [1/3 definitions]
ace a person who is highly skilled in a particular field; expert. [1/7 definitions]
ace in the hole a resource that remains unrevealed or unused until a particular need arises.
acrostic a sequence of written lines in which particular letters, usu. the first letter of every line, form an independent word or phrase. [1/2 definitions]
act to behave or conduct oneself in a particular manner. [1/14 definitions]
action something that is done for a particular purpose. [1/6 definitions]
activism the belief in or practice of trying to make social or political changes through active, militant, or demonstrative involvement, esp. in particular issues.
adapt to change for a particular use. [1/2 definitions]
adaptable having the ability to adjust to particular needs or conditions. [1/2 definitions]
adaptation a particular change in the body of a living thing that helps the animal or plant to survive under new conditions. An adaptation happens over a very long time. [1/4 definitions]
address to speak or write to a particular person or group. [1/4 definitions]
ad hoc for this particular case, occasion, or purpose only; with respect only to this. [1/2 definitions]
admit to confess to a particular offense or blunder. [1/4 definitions]
advertising a particular way of creating and using advertisements to sell products or services, or such advertisements collectively. [1/2 definitions]