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active used in grammar to describe a form of the verb that emphasizes the person or thing who performs the action. In the sentence "John ate the apple," the verb "ate" is in an active form. In the sentence "The apple was eaten by John," the verb is in a passive form. [1/2 definitions]
be used with the past participle of another verb to form a passive construction. [1/10 definitions]
inactive not lively; passive or sluggish. [1/3 definitions]
lade to be loaded, as with a burden (usu. used in passive). [2/6 definitions]
neuter in grammar, of or denoting an intransitive verb or one that is neither active nor passive. [1/9 definitions]
nonpassive combined form of passive.
participle in grammar, a verb form that combines with certain auxiliary verbs ("be" or "have") to give a verb in a sentence a particular aspect, either "perfect" or "progressive," or voice, either "active" or "passive." Participles can also serve the function of adjectives.
passive used in grammar to describe a form of the verb that emphasizes the person or thing who is affected by the action of the verb. "The bread was eaten by me" is a sentence that uses a passive verb form. "I ate the bread" uses an active form. [1/2 definitions]
quietism a form of religious mysticism based on passive contemplation and the extinction of one's will. [1/2 definitions]
repute to consider or believe (someone or something) to have a certain trait (usu. used in the passive). [1/3 definitions]
resignation unresisting or passive acceptance. [1/2 definitions]
resigned characterized by an attitude of submission or passive acceptance.
Satyagraha (sometimes l.c.) the policy of nonviolent or passive resistance as a political tactic, created and used extensively by Mohandas Gandhi in India.
sit-in an organized passive occupation of a prohibited area, as in a racially segregated establishment, a university, or a corporation, to demonstrate against the policies pursued therein.
voice any grouping of such inflections, such as "passive voice," or any such inflected form of a particular verb. [1/11 definitions]
yin (sometimes cap.) in Chinese dualistic philosophy, the dark, negative, passive, feminine force in the universe and in individual beings. (Cf. yang.)