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cannelloni (usu. used with a sing. verb) large tubes of pasta which are usu. boiled, stuffed with meat or cheese, and baked in a sauce.
carbonara designating pasta that is covered with a mild cheese sauce made up of eggs, bacon, onion, and parmesan cheese.
colander a bowl-shaped container with many holes in the bottom, used especially for washing fruits and vegetables and also for draining the water away from spaghetti or other pasta. A colander usually has very small legs on the bottom, and it often has a handle or handles.
durum a variety of wheat whose flour is the basic ingredient of spaghetti and other pasta.
flour the fine, ground meal or powder of wheat or other grain. Flour is used to make bread, pasta, and other foods. [1/2 definitions]
hard wheat wheat that has hard kernels containing a high amount of protein, used to make semolina and pasta; durum. (Cf. soft wheat.)
lasagna a pasta dish made with wide, flat noodles, tomatoes, and other vegetables, cheese, and meat.
linguine pasta in long, thin, flat strips.
macaroni a form of pasta in the shape of hollow tubes.
manicotti a dish of Italian origin that uses pasta usu. stuffed with a cheese mixture, topped with a tomato sauce, and baked.
marinara served or covered with marinara, as pasta or seafood. [1/2 definitions]
minestrone a thick soup made with vegetables, beans, pasta, and often meat.
orzo pasta resembling grains of rice.
Parmesan a hard dry cheese made from skim milk and usu. grated to garnish other foods such as pasta.
pasta a food made from flour, eggs, and water and dried in various shapes. You cook pasta in boiling water before you eat it.
penne pasta in the form of short, diagonally cut tubes.
pesto a sauce of ground fresh basil, pine nuts, garlic, and grated Parmesan cheese mixed with olive oil and served over pasta.
ravioli (used with a singular or plural verb) small packets of pasta filled with ground meat, cheese, or other similar mixtures.
rigatoni pasta formed into short, ribbed tubes.
semolina coarse wheat that is a byproduct in the manufacture of fine flour, used to make pasta, puddings, and the like.
spaghetti a form of pasta in the shape of long, thin strings.