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bonbon a candy with a filling of fruit jam, nuts, or creamy sugar paste enclosed in a coating of chocolate or the like.
cacciatore cooked in a covered pot with olive oil, tomato paste, onions, wine, herbs, and other ingredients.
cement a sticky material, such as paste or glue, that gets hard when it dries. [1/3 definitions]
dry cell an electric battery cell in which the chemicals are stored as a paste that will not spill.
electuary a drug mixed with honey, syrup, or the like to form a paste to be smeared on the teeth or gums of a sick animal.
fondant a soft creamy paste made of sugar, water, and cream of tartar, used in icing and candy. [2 definitions]
ink a liquid or paste, usually black or colored, that is used to write or print. [1/2 definitions]
layout a sketch or paste-up of printed text, photographs, and the like, as for a newspaper, magazine, or book, to determine the design of the page and the space requirements of its various sections. [1/4 definitions]
magma in pharmacology, a paste made of pulverized solids and liquid. [1/2 definitions]
marchpane almond paste; marzipan.
marzipan a confection made of almond paste, egg whites, and sugar, and often molded into decorative forms.
mascara a paste put on the eyelashes to make them look darker.
miso a salty soybean paste, used esp. in Japanese cuisine.
mustard a powder or paste with a strong taste made from the ground seeds of the mustard plant. Mustard is used to flavor food or spread on the skin as medicine. [2/3 definitions]
mustard plaster a pungent medicinal paste made of powdered mustard and water that is spread on a cloth, steamed, and applied usu. to the chest to relieve congestion.
paste1 to use paste to stick something to something else. [2/4 definitions]
pasteboard a stiff, thin material made of layers of paper pasted together, or of paper or wood pulp pressed together and solidified with paste; paperboard.
pasty1 similar to paste in texture or appearance; sticky; pale. [1/2 definitions]
pâté a paste or spread made of liver, meat, or the like.
pâté de foie gras a paste made from the livers of geese, often eaten spread on crackers or the like.
peanut butter a paste made by grinding roasted peanuts. It is used in cooking or as a spread on sandwiches or crackers.