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Dictionary Suite
aficionado an enthusiast or fan, as of an art, a sport, or a pastime.
couch potato (informal) a person whose main leisure pastime is television viewing.
dive to engage in a sport or pastime such as acrobatic diving, scuba diving, or skydiving. [1/12 definitions]
fishing the method, pastime, or occupation of catching or trying to catch fish.
flying the activity or pastime of operating an airplane. [1/4 definitions]
game something done for amusement; diversion; pastime. [1/9 definitions]
pursuit any occupation or pastime. [1/3 definitions]
rec the act or process of engaging in a relaxing or agreeable pastime; recreation.
rec. abbreviation of "recreation," the act or process of engaging in a relaxing or agreeable pastime.
recreation such a pastime. [1/2 definitions]
sightseeing the act or pastime of visiting and viewing various places of interest; touring. [1/2 definitions]