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cowshed a shelter for cows when not at pasture.
grass to feed grass to (animals); pasture. [1/8 definitions]
graze1 to tend (animals) at pasture. [1/4 definitions]
grazing land on which to graze; pasture. [1/2 definitions]
meadow an open field of grass that is growing wild or is used for pasture or to grow hay. A meadow usually contains wildflowers and weeds as well.
nomad a member of a group or tribe that has no permanent home and moves from place to place, often in search of pasture for the group's livestock. [1/2 definitions]
pasture to feed by putting in a pasture to graze. [1/3 definitions]
range to pasture (animals). [1/20 definitions]
sacaton a grass grown in semiarid regions, such as Mexico and the southwestern United States, for hay or pasture.
shepherd a person who herds and watches over sheep at pasture. [1/3 definitions]
Sudan grass a tall, annual sorghum grass grown for pasture and hay.