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letters patent a government-issued document granting a person a patent or exclusive right to sell or otherwise profit from an invention or process.
Mary Janes trademark for a girl's patent leather low-heeled dress shoe having a strap that crosses the instep.
medicine show a usu. small group of traveling salespeople who put on entertaining shows to attract customers for the patent medicines and other cures offered for sale.
pat. abbreviation of "patent" or "patented."
patency the state of being plain, obvious, or patent. [1/2 definitions]
patent a government grant that gives someone the right to make, use, or sell an invention. A patent is given for a certain number of years. [2 definitions]
patentable combined form of patent.
patented having a patent, a legal protection that allows an inventor the sole rights to make, use, or sell what he or she has invented for a particular period of time.
patentee a person or other entity that has been granted a patent.
patent office in the U.S. government, an agency of the Department of Commerce that administers the patent and trademark laws; Patent and Trademark Office.
patentor the issuer of a patent.
patent right an exclusive right conferred by a patent, esp. to manufacture and sell an invention.
pat. pend. abbreviation of "patent pending."
prop. abbreviation of "proprietor," an owner of an exclusive legal right or title to something, as under a patent or trademark. [1/2 definitions]
proprietary property owned, such as real estate or a drug that is under a patent or trademark. [1/6 definitions]
proprietor an owner of an exclusive legal right or title to something, as under a patent or trademark. [1/2 definitions]
public domain the legal status of a work or product on which the patent or copyright has expired. [1/2 definitions]