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alley1 a narrow street or path between or behind buildings. [1/2 definitions]
ascendant in astrology, the point in the earth's orbit intersecting with the apparent path of the sun, or the sign of the zodiac rising in the east, at the time of an event such as one's birth. [1/4 definitions]
ascent an upward path or incline. [1/4 definitions]
astray off the right or known path or course.
azimuth in gunnery or surveying, the angle of sideways divergence from a standard path or direction, as of a bomb or shell. [1/2 definitions]
beeline the most direct course, usu. traveled quickly.
bias an irregularity or distortion, as in a ball, causing deviation from the intended path. [1/8 definitions]
bisect to split in two directions, as a path or road; fork. [1/3 definitions]
bowl2 a large wooden ball shaped or weighted so as to roll in a curved path, used in lawn bowling. [1/8 definitions]
Br.1 abbreviation of "Bridge," a structure that extends a road, path, or other route over an obstacle such as a river or railway, to allow for continuous travel (used as part of a proper name).
bridge1 a structure that extends a road, path, or other route over an obstacle such as a river or railway, to allow for continuous travel. [1/6 definitions]
by-path a path that is indirect or rarely used.
car a vehicle that runs along a specific path, such as a railroad. [1/2 definitions]
causeway a raised road or path across water or land that is wet.
circuit the complete path followed by an electric current.
circulate to move or flow along a closed path or system. [1/2 definitions]
claymore mine a mine, planted in the ground, that is designed to explode in a fanlike array of fragments in the path of an enemy force.
closed circuit an electrical circuit that provides for a continuous path for current. [1/2 definitions]
close off of police or other authority, to block access to (a path, road, or area).
coil1 to move in or trace a spiral or winding path. [1/8 definitions]
corduroy a road, bridge, or the like constructed by laying logs crosswise to its path. [2/6 definitions]