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bear with be patient with.
bovine slow-moving, dull, patient, or stolid. [1/3 definitions]
case1 someone who is injured or sick; a patient. [1/5 definitions]
coax to obtain by patient, gentle persuasion. [2/3 definitions]
comorbid of or pertaining to co-existing medical conditions in a patient.
comorbidity the presence of co-exisiting medical conditions in a patient.
deinstitutionalize to enable (one who has been institutionalized, such as a mental patient) to live away from the institution, within the community. [1/2 definitions]
discharge to release (a prisoner, hospital patient, or the like). [1/17 definitions]
enduring forbearing, patient, or long-suffering. [1/2 definitions]
free association a psychoanalytic technique for discovering repressed thoughts and emotions, in which the patient talks spontaneously about whatever comes to mind. [1/2 definitions]
hold one's horses to wait more calmly; be patient.
impatient not patient; not willing or able to wait calmly. [1/2 definitions]
intubate of a doctor or other medical personnel, to insert a tube through a patient's mouth and into the upper respiratory tract in order to connect the patient to a machine, a ventilator, that assists in breathing.
intubation the process, carried out by a doctor or other medical personnel, of inserting a tube through a patient's mouth and into the upper respiratory tract in order to connect the patient to a machine, a ventilator, that assists in breathing. [1/2 definitions]
long-suffering patient endurance of persistent hardships or troubles. [1/2 definitions]
malpractice improper professional conduct due to incompetence, negligence, or unethical methods, esp. such conduct leading to injury or loss by a medical patient or a client of a lawyer.
meek patient and mild; not easily angered or upset, even when treated unfairly. [1/2 definitions]
narcosynthesis a treatment of neurosis, requiring a patient to be under the influence of a hypnotic drug.
outwait to wait or be patient longer than (someone else).
oxygen tent a transparent, tentlike enclosure that is fitted around the head and shoulders of a bedridden patient to form a chamber into which oxygen can be released.
placebo an inert substance given to a patient as if it were a drug in order to placate or to serve as a control in an experiment. [1/2 definitions]