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attend to listen to or pay attention to. [2/8 definitions]
bear in mind to remember or pay attention to (some information) that is in one's mind.
follow to pay attention to regularly. [1/15 definitions]
hark to listen or give heed; pay attention, esp. to sounds, words of advice, or the like.
have one's ear to the ground to pay attention to or be aware of upcoming ideas and events.
hearken to listen carefully; pay attention.
let slide to fail to pay attention to or act upon.
listen to pay attention to (something) using one's ears (often fol. by "to"). [1/2 definitions]
look out to pay attention in order to avoid danger or harm. [1/2 definitions]
mark1 to pay attention to; give heed to. [1/16 definitions]
mind to pay attention to and obey (rules, people in authority, or the like). [1/13 definitions]
regard to take into account; pay attention to. [1/8 definitions]
watch out to pay attention in order to see something that is approaching or coming soon. [1/2 definitions]