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Dictionary Suite
abalone a large edible marine snail, the shell of which is lined with mother-of-pearl.
cholesteatoma a tumor-like mass of epithelial cells appearing esp. in the middle ear or mastoid process, also known as a pearl tumor.
cultured pearl a pearl formed by an oyster or mussel around an irritant such as a seed pearl inserted in its body under controlled conditions.
first water the highest degree of fineness or purity in a diamond or pearl. [1/2 definitions]
nacre a hard, iridescent material lining certain seashells, such as that of the pearl oyster; mother-of-pearl.
oyster any of various edible mollusks found chiefly in shallow water and characterized by a lumpy, irregular bi-valved shell, esp. the pearl oyster. [1/3 definitions]
pearl a smooth, round gem that is formed inside the shells of oysters. A pearl forms to cover something, such as a grain of sand, that gets stuck in an oyster and irritates it.
pearly like a pearl, esp. in whiteness or luster. [2 definitions]
seed pearl a very small, often imperfect pearl, weighing less than one quarter of a gram.