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clothespin a clip or forked peg of wood or plastic, used to hold clothes on a line for drying.
dowel a peg or pin that is placed into corresponding holes in two pieces of wood in order to fasten them together. [1/3 definitions]
mumbletypeg a children's game in which the players toss a knife in various prescribed ways, trying to stick the blade in the ground, with the loser having to withdraw a peg from the ground with his or her teeth.
peg to fasten, plug, or mark with a peg or pegs. [1/3 definitions]
picket a pointed stake, post, or peg fixed into the ground, usu. used to make a fence or hold something in place. [1/5 definitions]
pin a wooden or metal peg used for connecting or holding parts together. [1/6 definitions]
repeg combined form of peg.
spile a wooden peg or plug, esp. one used as a spigot in a barrel. [1/4 definitions]
spill2 a small peg or pin used as a stopper. [1/2 definitions]
stud1 a pin or peg attached to an automobile tire to help it grip a road surface firmly. [1/5 definitions]
tee2 a short peg with a concave top on which a golf ball is usu. set at the beginning of play on a golf hole. [1/3 definitions]
thole a wooden peg or metal pin, usu. one of a pair, set into the gunwale of a boat to act as the fulcrum for an oar.
treenail a wooden peg used to fasten timbers, esp. in ships, which swells and tightens when wet.
unpeg to remove a peg or pegs from, esp. to open or unfasten in this manner.
yo-yo a toy made of two thick wooden or plastic disks connected by a peg around which a string is tied. One plays with a yo-yo by holding the end of the string and moving the hand to cause the disk unit to roll up and down the string.