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clitoris a small, sensitive erectile organ of the female genitals, somewhat corresponding to the penis in the male.
cock1 (vulgar slang) a penis. [1/8 definitions]
coitus interruptus sexual intercourse in which the male withdraws the penis from the vagina before, or without, ejaculating.
condom a thin, usu. rubber sheath made to cover the penis during sexual intercourse in order to prevent conception or the spread of venereal diseases.
dick (vulgar) a penis. [1/3 definitions]
dildo an object made of rubber, plastic, or the like to simulate an erect penis.
erection the rigid and distended state of an erectile body organ, esp. the penis. [1/3 definitions]
fellatio oral stimulation of the penis.
foreskin the loose fold of skin that covers the end of the penis; prepuce.
glans the rounded tip of the clitoris or penis.
hard-on (vulgar slang) an erection of the penis.
impotent of a male, unable to have an erection of the penis. [1/3 definitions]
onanism in sexual intercourse, withdrawal of the penis from the vagina just before ejaculation; coitus interruptus. [1/2 definitions]
pecker (vulgar slang) a penis. [1/2 definitions]
penes a pl. of penis.
penis the male sex organ through which sperm is transferred to a female. The penis is also used to dispose of urine.
phallus the penis, or the undifferentiated embryonic tissue that develops into a penis or clitoris. [1/2 definitions]
phimosis an abnormal condition in which the foreskin of the penis is so tight that the glans cannot be exposed. [1/2 definitions]
potent of a male, able to have an erection of the penis. [1/4 definitions]
prepuce a fold of skin that covers the glans of the penis; foreskin. [1/2 definitions]
priapism a pathological condition of continuous, often painful, erection of the penis, esp. as caused by disease. [1/2 definitions]