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algae organisms that live mainly in the water and make their food through photosynthesis. Algae are different from plants in that they have no true leaves, roots, or stems. Seaweeds are algae. "Algae" is a plural noun; the singular form is "alga."
chlorophyll the green pigment in the leaves and stems of plants that is necessary for the production of plant food by photosynthesis.
chloroplast a small oval green bit of protoplasm that contains chlorophyll and is the location of photosynthesis.
leaf one of the usu. green, flat parts of a plant that grow from the stem or branch and produce food by photosynthesis, or a similar growth or structure. [1/7 definitions]
lichen a living thing that is a fungus and a form of algae or special bacteria living together. The algae or the bacteria use photosynthesis to make food for the fungus. There are many kinds of lichens with different colors, such as green, gray, black, or red. They can look like scales, crusts, or branches. Lichens live on rocks and other places where there is no soil.
photosynthesize to bring about or produce by the process of photosynthesis.
stroma in botany, the fluid inside the main compartment of the chloroplast where the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis occur. [1/3 definitions]
thylakoid a disc-shaped, membranous sac that is the site of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis in cyanobacteria and the chloroplasts of green plants.