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able-bodied physically strong or fit.
absolute temperature temperature measured on a scale in which zero equals the lowest temperature that can be obtained physically.
affix to attach or join physically (usually used with "to"). [1/2 definitions]
assailant a person who attacks another with intent to injure physically, socially, or emotionally.
at arm's length at a distance; emotionally or physically detached.
athletic physically talented; active in sports. [1/3 definitions]
attachment something that physically fastens one thing to another; tie; band. [1/6 definitions]
come to blows to start to fight, esp. physically.
cripple (old-fashioned, sometimes offensive) a person or animal that is lame or otherwise physically impaired. [1/4 definitions]
detached not physically connected or attached; separated. [1/2 definitions]
disabled incapacitated, usu. physically, by a medical or congenital condition or an accident; handicapped. [1/2 definitions]
dish (slang) a physically attractive person, esp. a young woman. [1/7 definitions]
disordered mentally or physically distressed or upset. [1/2 definitions]
done in (informal) extremely tired, physically or mentally; exhausted.
drudge someone who works at a boring, repetitious, physically demanding, or menial job. [2 definitions]
drug addict one who is physically dependent on regular doses of one or more narcotics.
elude to get away from or avoid by speed or skill.
feeble without strength or vigor, physically, mentally, or morally. [1/3 definitions]
feel to be physically aware of; experience a physical sensation of. [1/15 definitions]
fill out to become physically larger, esp. through adequate nutrition and natural development. [1/3 definitions]
hurt physically or emotionally pained or injured. [1/8 definitions]