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antipasto in Italian cookery, an appetizer course including smoked meats, olives, fresh and pickled vegetables, cheese, and other foods.
caper2 the flower bud of this shrub, which is pickled and eaten as a garnish or condiment. [1/2 definitions]
chowchow a relish of pickled vegetables, often in a hot mustard sauce.
dill pickle a pickled cucumber flavored with dill.
kimchi a dish made of spicy, pickled cabbage that is an important part of Korean cuisine.
pimento a small, pickled strip of such a pepper, often used to stuff olives or garnish salads; pimiento. [1/3 definitions]
pimiento a red garden pepper, or a small pickled strip of it, used to stuff olives, garnish salads, and the like; pimento.
relish a spicy topping used to flavor food. Relish is often made out of chopped, pickled vegetables and served on hot dogs or hamburgers. [1/3 definitions]