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abandon to leave behind with no plan to return or take possession of again; desert. [1/3 definitions]
afterthought something not in an original plan or design. [1/2 definitions]
allocate to give out according to a plan; distribute by lot. [1/2 definitions]
amplification something that enlarges a statement, plan, idea, or the like. [2/4 definitions]
arrange to plan or do what is necessary in order to bring something about (often fol. by "for"). [1/4 definitions]
arrangement a plan or a set of plans. [1/2 definitions]
author the creator of a plan or work. [1/3 definitions]
Babel according to the Old Testament, a tower built by the descendants of Noah, which was to reach heaven, a plan frustrated by God, who made communication among workmen impossible by creating a confusion of languages.
be going to used as an auxiliary verb to express that someone has a plan to do something or that some action or state seems likely based on certain evidence.
bill1 a list of particulars, such as a menu, theater program, or outline of a plan. [1/7 definitions]
blueprint a detailed plan or outline. [1/2 definitions]
boomerang a plan or scheme that unexpectedly backfires on its originator. [1/3 definitions]
brainchild someone's original idea, plan, or invention.
brew to develop or plan (sometimes followed by "up"). [1/4 definitions]
budget to plan the use of something. [1/3 definitions]
bum (informal) to ask for and get, with no plan to pay back or return. [1/3 definitions]
bust2 (informal) a plan that has proved to be unsuccessful; flop. [1/10 definitions]
by accident due to chance, as opposed to plan. [1/2 definitions]
campaign to follow a plan of action in order to achieve something in politics. [1/2 definitions]
chart to lay out a plan for. [1/6 definitions]
choreograph to plan the dance movements of (a single dance, a show, or the like, as in ballet or modern dance). [2 definitions]