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aquatint a type of etching that achieves the soft sweeping tones of a wash drawing or watercolor by careful control of the length of time acid is left on any given area of the etching plate.
armored wearing or being covered by armor or armor plate. [1/2 definitions]
beaver2 an armor plate attached to a helmet or breastplate that protects the face and neck.
brake shoe a curved plate of lined metal that creates friction when pressed against a wheel or brake drum, creating a braking action.
breastplate a plate of armor covering the chest.
camera a device with a shutter and lens that produces photographs by recording images on a light-sensitive film or plate. [1/2 definitions]
carbon in a battery, a rod or plate composed partly of carbon. [1/7 definitions]
catcher the player who is behind the batter at home plate in baseball or softball. The catcher catches balls thrown by the pitcher.
chrome to plate with an alloy of chromium. [1/5 definitions]
clypeate in biology, shaped like a round shield, as a plate on the head of certain insects.
copperplate an engraved or etched flat plate of copper used in printing. [2/3 definitions]
daguerreotype an early process of photography that used a silvered metal plate rather than film. [1/2 definitions]
damper in a furnace or stove, a movable metal plate that controls air flow. [1/2 definitions]
dial a disk or plate, usu. with numbers and a pointer indicating gradations of a measure such as speed, pressure, or the like. [2/8 definitions]
disc2 a thin, round plate used to record data entered on a computer. Disks are often contained within a plastic case. [1/3 definitions]
dish a container for serving or holding food, such as a plate, cup, or bowl. [2 definitions]
doorplate a plate, usu. of metal, attached to or next to a door, bearing the room number, name of occupant, or the like.
double exposure the act of making two exposures on the same film, photographic plate, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
drypoint a print made from, or the needle used on, such an engraved plate. [1/2 definitions]
electrotype a copy or facsimile made by electroplating a mold, in wax, lead, or plastic, of an original plate, and used esp. in printing. [2/3 definitions]
engrave to cut (a design or lettering) into a hard, flat surface, as by a sharp implement or acid, often for the purpose of making a plate for printing. [1/4 definitions]