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aqua regia a volatile, corrosive mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids, used for dissolving gold and platinum and for testing metals.
candela the basic unit of intensity of light, equal to one sixtieth of the intensity of one square centimeter of a radiating body at the temperature of solidification of platinum; new candle.
cisplatin a platinum-containing chemotherapy drug used esp. in the treatment of ovarian, testicular, and bladder cancer.
plate to cover (metal) with a thin layer of gold, silver, platinum, or the like, usu. by chemical methods. [1/10 definitions]
platinic of, containing, or similar to platinum, esp. tetravalent platinum.
platinoid resembling or associated with platinum. [2/3 definitions]
platinous of or containing bivalent platinum.
platinum a soft, heavy, silver-white metal that is one of the chemical elements. Platinum is very valuable and is used in making jewelry. It can be combined with other metals to form alloys. (symbol: Pt)
Pt symbol of the chemical element platinum.
wedding ring a ring, often a band of gold or platinum, that is given by a groom to a bride, and sometimes by a bride to a groom, during a marriage ceremony.
white gold any of several whitish-colored gold alloys containing nickel, platinum, or the like.