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ice age see "Pleistocene." [1/2 definitions]
interglacial a warm period between glaciations, esp. of the Pleistocene epoch. [1/2 definitions]
Java man a prehistoric human known from fossilized skeleton parts found in Java, thought to be from the late Pleistocene period; pithecanthropus.
Neanderthal designating an early form of human of the Pleistocene period. [1/3 definitions]
Nebraskan of or pertaining to the first Pleistocene glaciation period in North America. [2/4 definitions]
Pleistocene the Pleistocene Epoch, or the rock formations that date from that time; glacial epoch; ice age. [1/2 definitions]
postglacial existing in or happening after a period of widespread glaciation, esp. that of the Pleistocene epoch.
Rhodesian man an extinct primitive man of the late Pleistocene Era, whose skeletal remains, found in southern Africa, are similar to modern man except for a large skull and low, massive brow ridges.
saber-toothed tiger any of various large wild cats that became extinct in the Pleistocene period, characterized by long upper canine teeth.