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dip to drop or plunge briefly into or as if into a liquid. [1/15 definitions]
dive to plunge or move downward rapidly, usually head or front first. [6/5 definitions]
douse1 to place or plunge in water or another liquid; immerse. [1/4 definitions]
launch1 to plunge into action. [1/6 definitions]
nose dive a sudden, steep, downward plunge of an aircraft, with the forward section pointing down. [1/2 definitions]
pitch1 to fall or plunge, esp. headfirst. [1/23 definitions]
plummet to fall sharply down, esp. at high speed; plunge. [1/2 definitions]
power dive a steep downward plunge of an aircraft such as a fighter plane that is accelerated by engine power as well as gravity.
precipitate to send, plunge, or cast suddenly or violently [1/11 definitions]
souse to plunge into a liquid; immerse. [1/7 definitions]
submerge to put or plunge under water or other fluid. [2/3 definitions]