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air hole see "air pocket." [1/3 definitions]
air lock an obstruction, as in a pipe, caused by a bubble or pocket of trapped air or vapor. [1/2 definitions]
billet2 the part of a strap that passes through a buckle, or the loop or pocket that secures the leading edge of the strap. [1/4 definitions]
billfold a small folding case that holds paper money and fits in a pocket; wallet.
blazer a jacket in a solid, sometimes bright color, often with a school or club emblem on the breast pocket. [1/2 definitions]
derringer a small pistol that can be easily concealed in a pocket.
eight ball a specific game in pool in which the player must pocket the eight ball last, and in which one loses if one sinks the eight ball prematurely. [1/2 definitions]
flask a broad, flat metal or glass bottle designed to be carried in the pocket and usu. used to hold liquor. [1/2 definitions]
fob1 a short chain, strap, or ribbon usu. connected to a pocket watch, or a small ornament or medallion attached to the chain, strap, or ribbon. [2 definitions]
gopher a small rodent with gray or brown fur and a short tail. Gophers live in burrows and tunnel underground to look for food. They are also called pocket gophers, because they have pouches outside their cheeks where they carry food and nesting material. Gophers live in Central and North America.
handkerchief a small piece of thin cloth used to wipe the nose or face, or worn as decoration in a pocket.
iPod trademark for a pocket-sized digital audio player with a large storage capacity, primarily used to collect and play back downloaded digital music files.
patch pocket a pocket made by sewing a piece of shaped material to the outside of a piece of clothing.
pick1 to steal from someone's pocket or purse. [1/9 definitions]
pocket a small piece of material, open at the top and sewn onto clothing. A pocket forms a bag for keeping small objects. [3/5 definitions]
pocketable combined form of pocket.
pocket billiards any of several versions of billiards or pool played on a six-pocket table with a cue ball and fifteen numbered balls.
pocket book a book, esp. a paperback, that is small enough to be carried in a pocket.
pocketful the amount that a pocket will contain.
pocket-size small enough to be carried conveniently in a pocket.
pool table a billiard table with a pocket at each corner and at the middle of both long sides, on which pool is played.