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add up to equal (a certain sum) or point to (a logical conclusion) when looked at together.
cite to point to, esp. as a reason for something; mention. [1/5 definitions]
constitute to nominate or appoint to a function or office. [1/4 definitions]
go1 to extend from one point to another. [1/28 definitions]
hyperbola a conic section consisting of two identical but opposite curves, which may be defined as the set of all points in a plane such that the distances of each point to two defined foci have a constant difference.
lever any of a class of basic tools consisting of a rigid bar or an equivalent, acting by pivoting around a fixed fulcrum to transfer applied force from one point to another. [1/3 definitions]
name to appoint to a particular office or duty. [1/9 definitions]
neo-fascism any of various post-World War II political movements or doctrines that are similar in viewpoint to that of fascism.
portal a website that serves as an entry point to the Web or a segment of the Web by offering a range of resources which may include a search engine, topic directories, discussion forums, email, and other services. [1/3 definitions]
refer to point to something, or say something about, in speech or writing; speak of; allude. [1/5 definitions]
set to appoint to perform a particular task. [1/25 definitions]
stretch to cause to extend or reach from one point to another. [1/19 definitions]
swag a decorative curtain or other hanging, usu. draped in a curve from one point to another. [2/4 definitions]
trip a short journey from one point to another. [1/18 definitions]