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accomplishment (often pl.) talent, social poise, or achievement valued by polite society. [1/3 definitions]
afraid feeling polite sorrow or regret. [1/3 definitions]
beg to ask for in a polite or in a desperate way. [1/3 definitions]
bold not polite; rude. [1/5 definitions]
ceremonious given to formality or ceremony; formally polite. [1/2 definitions]
ceremony very polite behavior, often more formal than is needed. [1/2 definitions]
civil using good manners; polite. [1/2 definitions]
common courtesy something generally done or said in a given situation in order to be considerate or polite.
compliment (plural) a polite greeting. [1/3 definitions]
could used to talk about something that is possible in the present or future but not certain; often used in polite requests or offers. [1/4 definitions]
courteous being polite or showing good manners.
courtesy good, polite manners.
debonair having or marked by a charming and carefree but polite manner; suave.
declination a polite refusal. [1/5 definitions]
decline to refuse to do, in a polite way. [1/4 definitions]
deference respectful or polite regard. [1/2 definitions]
devoir (pl.) acts or expressions of courtesy, civility, or respect, such as polite greetings. [1/2 definitions]
discourteous not having or showing good manners; not polite; rude.
done acceptable as behavior; proper; polite. [1/3 definitions]
elderly a polite word for "old."
excuse to make a polite statement that allows (oneself) to leave the presence of others without the feeling of acting rudely. [1/11 definitions]