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Dictionary Suite
group a small musical band, especially one that plays pop or jazz music. [1/4 definitions]
pop1 a soft drink; soda pop. [1/9 definitions]
pop2 (informal) relating to or performing popular music. The word "pop" is a short form of "popular."
pop concert a concert of pop music, usually played by a relatively small band, as compared with a full orchestra, and often accompanied by singers. [1/2 definitions]
popcorn a kind of corn whose kernels pop open into puffs when heated. [1/2 definitions]
pop fly in baseball, a high fly ball in or near the infield area, usu. one that can be caught easily; pop-up; pop.
popgun a toy gun from which a pellet or cork is shot by compressed air with a loud pop.
pop music popular music with, typically, a strong and singable tune, which is often accompanied by a rhythm suitable for informal dancing. It is usually performed by relatively small musical groups. Pop music is usually distinguished from classical music, religious music, jazz, and country music.
pop-up of, concerning, having, or being a part or device that pops up or causes something to pop up. [2/6 definitions]
soft drink a nonalcoholic beverage, esp. one that is carbonated; soda or soda pop.