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Arab a member of a southwest Asian people that makes up most of the population of Arabia and other parts of the Middle East. [1/4 definitions]
assimilate to help or force (people of a different culture) to adapt and become similar to a larger or more dominant group within a region and to become part of that population. [1/3 definitions]
baby boom the great increase in the population of the United States that took place between 1946 and 1960.
baby boomer a person born in the United States during the decade following World War II, in which the population increased dramatically.
Binet-Simon scale a series of tests graded according to the mental abilities at different ages of the average population, esp. children, with which the abilities of the individual test-taker can be compared.
birthrate the number of births in a specified place or group per unit of time, usu. expressed as a quantity per thousand of the total specified population.
bloodbath a brutal and indiscriminate slaughter of many people or a whole population; massacre. [1/2 definitions]
census an official count and statistical survey of a population, usu. conducted at periodic intervals.
chart an outline map used to show the distribution of particular conditions such as weather, soil type, or population. [1/6 definitions]
city a large and significant town, usu. a locally governed commercial and population center. [1/2 definitions]
civil having to do with citizens or the general population. [1/3 definitions]
crowd the general population; masses. [1/9 definitions]
demographic a portion of a human population with a shared characteristic or characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, or income. [1/3 definitions]
dependent colony colony in which a majority native population is ruled by a small number of representatives from the controlling nation.
die off (of animals or plants) to die one after another, gradually decreasing the total number within a population.
endemic native to or restricted to a given place or population. [2/3 definitions]
ethnic cleansing the mass murder, incarceration, or forced emigration of members of an ethnic minority within a particular nation in order to establish an ethnically homogeneous population.
every man jack every single person in a particular group or population.
fanzine (informal) a magazine, usu. not of professional quality, put together for a specific population, as for fans with a common interest.
fourth world (often cap.) the countries of the world that are poorest in resources and capital and have the most poorly educated population; least developed countries.
genetic drift evolutionary change because of mutations that result from random changes in gene frequency in a small population and that become established in that population.