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caravel a small, light, fast sailing ship used by the Spanish and Portuguese in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, with two or three masts and triangular sails.
cedilla a diacritical mark (ç), placed under certain letters in French, Portuguese, Turkish, and Russian to indicate a particular pronunciation, as, in French, the sound of "s" for the letter "c".
Ferdinand Magellan a Portuguese navigator who discovered the Strait of Magellan and the Philippines (b.1480?--d.1521).
grandee a Spanish or Portuguese nobleman of the highest rank. [1/2 definitions]
infanta the daughter of a Spanish or Portuguese king, or the wife of his son who is not heir to the throne.
infante a son of a Spanish or Portuguese king who is not heir to the throne.
Latin America collectively, those countries in the Western Hemisphere south of the United States, in which the predominant language is a Romance language, such as Spanish, Portuguese, French, or a Creole.
Madeira a group of Portuguese islands off the northwest African coast. [1/3 definitions]
man-of-war see "Portuguese man-of-war." [1/2 definitions]
romance (cap.) of, denoting, or pertaining to the modern languages derived from Latin, such as Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. [1/7 definitions]
Romance language one of the modern languages that come from Latin. Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese are Romance languages.
siphonophore any of various transparent or colored marine hydrozoans, including the Portuguese man-of-war.
tilde a diacritical mark (ñ), placed over an "n" in Spanish to indicate a palatal nasal sound, or over a vowel in Portuguese to indicate nasalization.
Vasco da Gama a Portuguese explorer who established the first all-water trade route between Europe and India (b.1460?--d.1524).