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absolute zero the lowest possible temperature for any known substance, equal to -273.15 degrees Celsius or -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit.
aerodynamic having a smooth, even shape that offers the least possible resistance to air currents or movement.
afford to provide or make possible. [1/3 definitions]
alarm sudden fear caused by possible danger. [1/4 definitions]
alert a warning of possible danger or the time during which such a warning lasts. [1/3 definitions]
all most or greatest possible. [1/12 definitions]
ambiguous having more than one possible meaning.
ASAP abbreviation of "as soon as possible."
as soon as possible within the shortest amount of time possible.
atom the smallest possible unit of a chemical element.
at worst under the worst possible circumstances; in the worst possible case or from the worst perspective.
available able to be used or possible to get.
best-case scenario the best possible way that things could proceed from a particular point on.
bowline a rope used to keep the weather edge of a square sail pulled forward and the sail as flat as possible when sailing close-hauled. [1/2 definitions]
bowls a game played on a smooth lawn, in which the players roll wooden balls as close as possible to a smaller target ball; lawn bowling.
by all odds in every conceivable or possible way; undoubtedly.
by any means in any way possible; somehow.
by hook in any possible way, using any possible means.
change ringing the art of ringing a harmoniously tuned set of bells or chimes in every possible sequence without repetition.
checkmate in the game of chess, a winning maneuver in which the opponent's king piece is brought under direct attack and from which escape is not possible. [2/3 definitions]
chigger a tiny parasitic mite larva that lives in the skin of vertebrates, causing severe itching and possible spreading of infectious disease. [1/2 definitions]