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Dictionary Suite
APO abbreviation of "Army Post Office."
dead letter a letter that the post office is unable to deliver or return, usu. because of an incorrect address or the lack of a return address. [1/2 definitions]
FPO abbreviation of "fleet post office."
general delivery mail held at the post office for pickup. [1/2 definitions]
money order an order for the payment of a specific sum of money that is issued for a fee atone bank, post office, or telegraph office, and is payable to another.
P.O.1 abbreviation of "post office."
postal (informal) a card sold for mailing by the post office; post card. [1/2 definitions]
postal service see "post office."
postmark a mark stamped on mail by the post office. A postmark cancels the stamp on a piece of mail and shows the date and place of mailing. [1/2 definitions]
postmaster the person in charge of a post office.
presort to sort (mail) according to zip code before delivery to the post office.
stamp a small piece of paper that you buy at a post office to pay for mailing. You stick it on something that you want to send. [1/3 definitions]
substation a subsidiary station or office, as of the post office or of a power distribution network.