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avdp. abbreviation of "avoirdupois," a system of weight based on a pound equal to sixteen ounces or to 453.59 grams.
avoirdupois weight a system of weight based on a pound equal to sixteen ounces or to 453.59 grams.
beat to pound; thump. [1/9 definitions]
bray2 to pound until fine, in or as if in a mortar.
British thermal unit a unit of heat equal to the amount needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit, or equal to about 252 calories. (abbr.: Btu)
Btu abbreviation of "British thermal unit" or "British thermal units," a unit of heat equal to the amount needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit, or equal to about 252 calories.
florin a coin formerly minted in England worth two shillings or one tenth of a pound. [1/3 definitions]
foot-pound a unit of energy equal to the amount necessary to raise a weight of one pound to a height of one foot.
foot-poundal a unit of energy equal to the work done by the force of one pound, accelerating one foot per second per second, moving a distance of one foot.
foot-pound-second of, designating, or pertaining to the system of measurement in which the foot, pound, and second are the basic units of length, mass, and time.
fps abbreviation of "foot-pound-second," or "foot-pound-seconds," of, designating, or pertaining to the system of measurement in which the foot, pound, and second are the basic units of length, mass, and time.
ft-lb abbreviation of "foot-pound," or "foot-pounds," a unit of energy equal to the amount necessary to raise a weight of one pound to a height of one foot.
grain in certain systems of weight, the smallest unit, derived from the weight of a ripe grain of wheat and equal to one seven-thousandth of a pound or 64.798 milligrams. [1/11 definitions]
hammer a tool with a heavy metal head on a handle. A hammer is used to hit things such as nails. [3/2 definitions]
hash2 (chiefly British) the pound, or number, sign (#).
impound to shut up or confine (an animal) in a pound. [1/3 definitions]
knock to rap, pound, or hit something, such as a door. [1/6 definitions]
lb. abbreviation of "pound" or "pounds."
lbs. abbreviation of "pounds," a plural form of "pound."
libra1 in ancient Rome, a unit of weight equal to approximately twelve ounces; pound.
ounce1 a standard unit used to measure weight. There are sixteen ounces in one pound. [1/2 definitions]