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bottle a container with a narrow neck used to hold or pour liquids. A bottle is usually made of glass or plastic.
decant to pour (wine or other liquid) carefully, so as not to stir up sediment. [2 definitions]
effuse to pour or spread out; emit; circulate. [1/4 definitions]
elevator a grain storage structure equipped to lift and pour out grain; grain elevator. [1/2 definitions]
empty to flow or pour (often followed by "out", "into", or "onto"). [1/7 definitions]
flood to rise, pour, or overflow in a flood or as if in a flood. [1/5 definitions]
flow to proceed or pour forth from a source. [1/8 definitions]
found3 to melt and pour (metal or glass) into a mold. [1/2 definitions]
funnel a conical utensil with a narrow tube at the small end, used to pour a liquid or other flowing substance into a container with a small opening. [1/4 definitions]
hail2 to fall or pour down in icy rain. [1/2 definitions]
interfuse to pour or pass between, into, or through; infuse. [1/3 definitions]
kettle a kettle with a spout used to make and then pour tea or other hot drinks. [1/2 definitions]
outpour to pour out or flow.
pitcher1 a container with a handle and lip used to hold and pour liquids.
pourable combined form of pour.
rain to pour forth or send down. [1/5 definitions]
recast to melt down (a metal object) and pour into another mold. [1/5 definitions]
regurgitate to surge or pour back or out, esp. from of a place of containment, as gases, liquids, or undigested food. [1/3 definitions]
shower1 to sprinkle or pour down in a shower. [1/11 definitions]
slosh to pour or apply (liquid) so that it splashes sloppily. [1/6 definitions]
sluice to pour or flow from, or as if from, a sluice. [1/7 definitions]