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acetanilide a white crystalline organic powder produced by the effect of acetic acid on aniline and used to relieve pain and fever.
acetophenetidin a white powder or crystalline solid used to relieve fever and pain; phenacetin.
adenosine an organic compound that is made up of adenine and ribose and found in nucleic acids, and that may be obtained as a white crystalline powder through the hydrolysis of yeast.
aluminum hydroxide a white, water-insoluble powder used as an antacid and to waterproof fabric and manufacture glass.
ammonium carbonate a white powder that is used in baking powder, smelling salts, and substances for fire-extinguishing.
araroba a bitter yellow medicinal powder obtained from cavities in the trunk of a Brazilian tree; Goa powder. [1/2 definitions]
arsenic acid a poisonous, water-soluble white powder that is used in the making of arsenates, medicines, and insecticides.
ash1 the soft gray powder that remains after something burns.
baking powder a powder that is used to raise dough or batter during baking.
baking soda a white powder used to raise dough or batter during baking. It is also used to settle an upset stomach.
barium sulfate an opaque insoluble white powder that is used as a pigment in paints and a filler for plastics and textiles, and is swallowed as a diagnostic aid in x-ray examination of the stomach and intestines.
benzocaine a white, odorless, tasteless powder used in ointments as a local anesthetic and a shield against sunburn.
benzoic acid a white crystalline powder used as a preservative and antiseptic in perfumes and flavorings, in synthesizing dyes, and to season tobacco.
benzoin a white or yellowish crystalline powder used in organic synthesis and in making antiseptics. [1/3 definitions]
biscuit a small, round-shaped bread for one person made with baking powder or baking soda instead of yeast. Biscuits are not usually sweet. [1/3 definitions]
bloom in botany, a delicate coating on the surface of some leaves and fruits that resembles powder. [1/8 definitions]
blush a powder or moist makeup for highlighting the cheekbones; blusher. [1/7 definitions]
blusher a cosmetic in cream or powder form, used to give a rosy tinge to the cheeks; rouge. [1/2 definitions]
bubble bath a bath with an added liquid, crystal, or powder preparation that creates thick suds and perfumes and softens the water. [2 definitions]
calamine a white or pinkish powder of zinc oxide and a trace of ferric oxide, used in skin lotions.
calcium cyanamide a white powder used mainly as a fertilizer or weed killer; cyanamide.