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ferret a small mammal with light fur and black feet. Ferrets are a kind of weasel. They live in the plains of North America, where they eat prairie dogs. The North American ferret is closely related to the European ferret or polecat. [1/4 definitions]
lek2 an area used for courtship displays by male animals, esp. the prairie chicken.
motte in the western United States, a small grove of trees on a prairie.
prairie chicken either of two henlike grouse of the North American prairies that have reddish, brownish, black, and white feathers; prairie hen; prairie fowl.
prairie dog a small rodent with light brown fur. Prairie dogs make burrows and live in large colonies called "towns." Several kinds of prairie dogs live in Mexico and the United States. Prairie dogs are not related to true dogs, but have a cry that sounds like a dog's bark.
rodent a small mammal with long front teeth used for gnawing. Many kinds of rodents are found all over the world. Rodents include rats, mice, hamsters, porcupines, chinchillas, guinea pigs, squirrels, prairie dogs, gophers, woodchucks, and beavers.
switchgrass a tall, North American prairie grass of the species Panicum virgatum.