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Agnus Dei a prayer in the Roman Catholic or Anglican church beginning with these words, or the accompanying music. [1/2 definitions]
All Souls' Day in some Christian churches, a day of prayer for the dead, usu. on November 2.
amen a word used at the end of a prayer or statement to mean "may it be so."
Angelus (often l.c.) a prayer recited by some Roman Catholics at morning, noon, and night in memory of the Annunciation. [2 definitions]
ascription a prayer or text in praise of or attributing glory to a deity. [1/2 definitions]
Ave Maria (Latin) Hail Mary; the opening words of a prayer to the Virgin Mary. [2 definitions]
benefit of clergy a rite performed by a member of the clergy signifying the blessing of the church, such as a liturgical wedding or a prayer over a dying person. [1/2 definitions]
blessing a prayer, often a short one before a meal; grace. [1/4 definitions]
chant in religious services, a prayer or reading from a holy book sung to a simple melody with many syllables on each pitch. [1/7 definitions]
Confiteor a prayer at the beginning of the Roman Catholic Mass, in which there is a confession of sins.
daven to recite a daily prayer or prayers of the Jewish liturgy.
evensong (usu. cap.) a Roman Catholic or Anglican Church worship service of prayer or song, held in the evening. [1/3 definitions]
faith cure a method of trying to heal disease or other medical infirmity through prayer or religious exercises.
faith healing a method of ministering to the sick through prayer and religious faith.
formulary a collection of prescribed forms, as in a prayer book. [1/3 definitions]
grace a prayer said before, or sometimes after, eating. [1/2 definitions]
imam the officiating leader of prayer in a Muslim mosque. [1/3 definitions]
invocation a formal prayer, esp. one said at the beginning of a church service or public ceremony. [1/4 definitions]
invoke to ask for earnestly, as in prayer; solicit. [1/4 definitions]
Kaddish an ancient Jewish prayer recited during the daily service. [2 definitions]
Kiddush (Hebrew) a prayer recited over wine and bread on the eve of a Sabbath or a festival.