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assay to subject to chemical analysis to determine composition, quality, or potency, as with drugs or precious metals; make an assay of. [1/8 definitions]
birthstone a precious or semiprecious jewel traditionally associated with the month of one's birth.
crown a circlet or headdress, often made of precious materials, worn by a king, queen, emperor, or other monarch, usu. on state occasions, as a symbol of sovereignty. [1/21 definitions]
cup a decorative vessel, often of precious metal, that is awarded as a prize to the winner of a contest or game. [1/7 definitions]
cute deliberately or self-consciously charming or clever; precious. [1/3 definitions]
dear loved or precious. [1/9 definitions]
gem a precious stone that has been cut and polished; jewel. [1/2 definitions]
gemstone a precious stone fine enough to cut and polish for jewelry.
gnome1 a creature in fairy tales that lives inside the earth and guards precious treasure. Gnomes are often portrayed as little old men with beards.
gold a precious yellow metal chemical element that has seventy-nine protons in each nucleus, that occurs in pure form as a very dense, lustrous, highly malleable solid, and that is often mixed with other metals to make it harder and stronger. (symbol: Au) [1/11 definitions]
golden excellent or precious. [1/3 definitions]
iridium a chemical element that has seventy-seven protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a lustrous yellowish white, extremely hard, dense, and corrosion-resistant metal, used as a hardening alloy, esp. with precious metals. (symbol: Ir)
mine2 a deep hole or area of holes made in the earth. Minerals such as gold, coal, or precious stones are dug out of mines. [1/5 definitions]
necklace jewelry worn around the neck. A necklace can be made of beads, precious stones, metals, or other materials.
nugget a small, solid lump, esp. of a precious metal such as gold. [1/2 definitions]
option a right, usu. purchased, to buy or sell something such as real estate, securities, or precious metals, at a specified price within a specified time period. [1/4 definitions]
pan to wash gravel or sand in a pan to remove gold or other precious metals. [1/4 definitions]
placer1 a naturally occurring accumulation of sand, gravel, or the like that contains precious metals or minerals. [2 definitions]
prospect to search for precious minerals and metals. [1/4 definitions]
prospector a person who prospects, or searches, for precious minerals and metals.
riches valuable or precious goods, or things that occur in nature in large quantities. [1/2 definitions]