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aerie a nest built high on a cliff or mountain, esp. by an eagle or other bird of prey. [1/2 definitions]
Angler fish any of various deepwater marine fishes that have a large mouth over which dangles a wormlike appendage that lures prey.
bait food used to lure prey, esp. in fishing or trapping. [1/5 definitions]
bladderwort any of a large group of mostly aquatic plants with small bladders on their finely divided leaves that trap their prey.
boa constrictor a large snake that lives in the tropical areas of Central and South America. Boa constrictors are pale brown with darker marks and are not poisonous. They kill their prey by winding around it and squeezing it until it cannot breathe.
butcherbird any of several carnivorous birds such as the shrikes that impale their prey on thorns.
caracara any of several large, long-legged birds, related to hawks and found from the southern United States to South America, that feed on carrion or live prey.
chicken hawk any of various hawks that prey or are thought to prey on barnyard fowl, esp. chickens.
constrictor a snake that kills its prey by winding around it and squeezing it until it can not breathe. Pythons, boa constrictors, and anacondas are constrictors.
digger wasp any of various wasps that paralyze spiders and other prey with their stingers, then lay eggs on them in underground nests.
eagle any of various birds of prey that are similar to but usu. larger than hawks. [1/3 definitions]
eyrie variant of "aerie," a nest built high on a cliff or mountain, esp. by an eagle or other bird of prey.
falcon any of several birds of prey, related to hawks, that hunt during the day and have long powerful wings and a hooked beak.
fang a long, pointed tooth. Some animals use their fangs to hold and tear prey. Some snakes have hollow fangs through which they inject poison.
frigate bird any of various large tropical seabirds with a hooked beak and esp. long wings, that typically grabs prey away from other birds in flight.
harrier1 any of several related hawks that have narrow bodies and wings and prey on small animals and reptiles in open fields and marshes; marsh hawk. [1/2 definitions]
hawk1 a bird of prey that has a short hooked beak and curved claws and is similar to but usu. smaller than an eagle. [1/5 definitions]
jackal any of a number of wild Asian and African dogs, closely related to the wolf, that are esp. known for scavenging and for attacking small or weakened prey. [1/2 definitions]
jaeger any of several sea birds that snatch prey from weaker birds.
kappa2 in Japanese mythology, a monkey-sized river imp having fish scales, a turtle's shell, a bird's or monkey's face, and a depression on the top of its head that holds the liquid that endows it with superhuman strength, said to prey on travelers.
owl any of various nocturnal birds of prey that have large eyes set in the front of a large head, a strong hooked beak, and strong, sharp talons.