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aestheticism devotion to aesthetic characteristics as of prime importance. [1/2 definitions]
bloom the state or time of being in peak condition; prime. [1/8 definitions]
Downing Street the elected government of Great Britain, so termed because 10 Downing Street is the residence of the prime minister.
Greenwich a borough of London, England, through which the prime meridian passes.
Greenwich time the solar time that is determined at the prime meridian through Greenwich, England, and that is used to calculate and regulate time throughout most of the world; Greenwich mean time.
hack2 a horse past its prime. [1/10 definitions]
hemisphere either of two halves of the terrestrial globe, formed by dividing it into northern and southern parts at the equator, or into eastern and western parts at the prime meridian. [1/3 definitions]
heyday the time of maximum influence, power, or success; prime.
Jawaharlal Nehru a leader of the Indian independence movement and, from 1947 to 1964, first prime minister of the Republic of India. Nehru's name is often preceded by the word "pandit," an Indian title of respect (b.1889--d.1964).
long. abbreviation of "longitude," the angular distance on the earth's surface east or west of the prime meridian at Greenwich, England, measured either in degrees or in hours, minutes, and seconds.
longitude the angular distance on the earth's surface east or west of the prime meridian at Greenwich, England, measured either in degrees or in hours, minutes, and seconds.
May prime; youth. [1/2 definitions]
passé beyond one's prime; no longer young. [1/2 definitions]
p.m. abbreviation of "Prime Minister." [1/2 definitions]
P.M. abbreviation of "Prime Minister," the chief minister and head of the cabinet in parliamentary governments.
premier the prime minister of a government. [1/2 definitions]
prime in mathematics, a prime number. [1/17 definitions]
prime number a number that can be evenly divided only by itself or by one. Two and eleven are prime numbers.
priming a substance used to prime a surface for painting. [1/3 definitions]
taoiseach (Irish; often cap.) the prime minister of the Republic of Ireland.
time zone any of twenty-four longitudinal divisions of the earth that are roughly defined by their distances from the prime meridian, and each of which keeps a standard time one hour earlier than does the zone to its east.