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arch- principal; main. [1/3 definitions]
archenemy a chief or principal enemy. [1/2 definitions]
Ashur in Assyrian mythology, the principal god and god of war and empire.
ballerina a woman who is a principal dancer in a ballet troupe. [1/2 definitions]
barytes the principal ore of barium; barite.
basis the principal component. [1/3 definitions]
best man the bridegroom's principal attendant at a wedding.
Bible the principal sacred writings of Judaism, comprising the Old Testament, and of Christianity, comprising both the Old and New Testaments. [1/3 definitions]
Brahma the principal member of the Hindu trinity, considered the creator of the universe. [1/2 definitions]
cassiterite a mineral ore, tin dioxide, that is the principal source of tin.
cathedral the principal church of a bishop's diocese, containing his official throne. [1/5 definitions]
central main or principal; most important. [1/2 definitions]
chief of principal importance. [1/3 definitions]
coadjutor an assistant, esp. the principal assistant of a bishop.
colorist a painter whose employment of color is a principal means of artistic communication. [1/2 definitions]
compound1 to figure and pay interest on the interest that you have earned combined with the principal. [1/3 definitions]
compound interest interest earned or paid on both the original principal and the accrued unpaid interest. (Cf. simple interest.)
coprincipal combined form of principal.
cordillera a mountain range, esp. the principal or axial mountain range of a land mass.
corpus the principal or capital of a fund, investment, or the like, as distinguished from the income or interest. [1/4 definitions]
entrée the principal food of a meal, esp. of a dinner. [1/3 definitions]