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abduction of a muscle, the act or process of drawing away from the main axis of the body. [1/2 definitions]
ablactation the act or process of weaning a baby.
abrasion the act or process of rubbing, scraping, or wearing away; friction. [1/2 definitions]
abridgment an act, process, or instance of abridging. [1/3 definitions]
abstain in parliamentary process, to refrain from casting a vote. [1/2 definitions]
accelerant a substance capable of accelerating a process, such as the spreading of a fire.
accelerate to cause (a particular activity or process) to happen faster. [1/4 definitions]
acceleration the act or process of accelerating or increasing speed.
accession the act or process of agreeing; assent. [1/5 definitions]
accommodation the act or process of accommodating. [1/2 definitions]
accretion the process of gradual increase or growth, esp. by additions from the outside. [2/3 definitions]
accrual the act or process of accruing. [1/2 definitions]
acculturation in sociology, the process of taking on the ways and values of a society or group.
accumulation the act or process of accumulating; collection. [1/3 definitions]
acidification the process of becoming, or causing to become, acid.
acquisition the act or process of acquiring. [1/2 definitions]
act the process of doing something. [1/9 definitions]
active currently operating, in process, or in effect. [1/7 definitions]
acupressure a process or technique intended to relieve pain or cure disease by the application of pressure with the hands to specific parts of the body. [1/2 definitions]
adaptation the act or process of changing or adjusting something to fit in a new role or context. [3/4 definitions]
addition the process of finding the total of two or more numbers. [1/2 definitions]