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curse to swear at using profane language. [1/8 definitions]
curse word a word that is considered to be obscene or profane, esp. when it is used to condemn or to express anger.
obscenity something obscene, esp. profane or abusive language. [1/2 definitions]
profanity the state or quality of being profane; sacrilege. [1/2 definitions]
sacrilege the violation, profane treatment, or destruction of some place or thing that is considered to be sacred.
swear to use profane or obscene language. [1/9 definitions]
swearword a word or phrase considered to be obscene or profane; curse word.
unhallowed wicked, sinful, or profane. [1/2 definitions]
violate to act in a profane, disrespectful manner; desecrate. [1/4 definitions]