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abortion a project or idea that has failed to be carried to completion, or the result of the failure to reach completion. [1/4 definitions]
advance to give or lend (money or items of value) in order to support a project or provide assistance, usually with expectation of repayment or profit. [1/14 definitions]
boondoggle a valueless project funded by the government solely as a political favor. [1/3 definitions]
butt3 to project or protrude. [1/3 definitions]
calculate to determine, estimate, or project. [1/6 definitions]
cantilever to project or extend outward like a cantilever. [1/4 definitions]
cantilever bridge a bridge consisting of two beams or cantilevers that project toward each other and are joined to form a span.
cast to give forth; direct or project. [1/12 definitions]
collaborate to work with someone else on a project.
collaboration a cooperative effort by which people or organizations work together to accomplish a common project or mission. [1/2 definitions]
come off (informal) of an event or project, to occur as intended, or to be successfully launched or accomplished. [1/6 definitions]
cooperative a project that is owned and run by several people. [1/3 definitions]
coordinator one that coordinates, esp. a person who organizes a complex event or project that involves the contributions of other people.
counterproject combined form of project.
davit on a ship, any of various small cranes that project over the side and are used to raise and lower small boats.
dig a research project that involves digging for artifacts or bones. [1/6 definitions]
enterprise a plan or project that is risky, bold, or difficult to carry out; undertaking. [1/2 definitions]
estate (chiefly British) a piece of land where the houses or other buildings, often all similar in type, are built together according to a plan; housing development; housing project. [1/4 definitions]
extrude to stick out; protrude or project. [1/3 definitions]
flying start a quick start or beginning, as in a race, project, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
follow-through the act or process of carrying on with an activity or project, esp. to completion. [1/2 definitions]